
About the Church

When Was Faith Baptist Church Founded?

Faith Baptist Church began as a mission and was established as Faith Baptist Church in the 1970s. Since then we have seen periods of growth and decline in our city and in our church. Today, we have a desire to be faithful and obedient church dependent on the authority of the Bible as God's instruction to us.

Where You Can Find Us

We are located at 1145 Horseshoe Road, Winnfield, LA 71483.

How You Can Reach Us

You can call us at (318) 628-5743. If we don't answer, you can leave a message and we will get back to you. You may also reach us through email at contact@faithwinnfield.org.

What Can I Expect When Attending?

Head over to our Gather page for more information!

Our Beliefs

This is a summary of our beliefs as listed in our Articles of Faith. If you would like more information on this, contact us to ask.

The Scriptures

We believe the Old and New Testaments to be inspired by God, inerrant in the original writings, and that they are supreme and final authority in faith and life. We insist that the Kings James Version translation of the Bible be used in both the Sunday School and from the pulpit and in all other meetings associated with this Church.

The Godhead

We believe the Godhead eternally exists in three persons–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–that these three are one God, having precisely the same nature, attributes, and perfections.

The Lord Jesus Christ

We believe in (a) His eternal existence as God; (b) His incarnation by means of the Virgin Birth; (c) His death on the cross as the substitutionary sacrifice for sin; (d) His literal bodily resurrection from the dead; (e) His present ministry of intercession in Heaven; and (f) His personal return to earth.

Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Godhead, convicts men of sin, regenerates, indwells, seals, and sets believers apart unto a holy life; that He keeps and empowers believers day by day; that he is the teacher of the Word of God and guide for our daily life. Anyone who does not have the Spirit living in his heart is not a child of God.We do not adhere to the modern day charismatic movement or that speaking in tongues is the evidence of salvation or a gift of God given to men today.


We believe (1) man was created innocent and pure; (2) Adam fell through the sin of disobedience; (3) thereby, all men are corrupted in body, mind, and soul; (4) therefore, all men are in need of redemption. 


We believe in the reality and personality of Satan.



We believe (1) that salvation is solely by grace through faith in the blood sacrifice, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; (2) all who receive Him are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and become children of God; (3) all who are truly saved are kept forever; (4) however, God cannot overlook sin in His children and will chasten and correct them in love.


The Church

We believe (1) that the local church is composed of regenerated baptized believers, voluntarily united together for the purpose of worship, edification, fellowship of believers, spiritual growth, and service; (2) it has been commissioned by Christ to propagate the Gospel unto the uttermost parts of the earth; (3) that the local church has absolute right of self-government, free from interference of hierarchy of individuals or organizations, and that the one and only superintendent is Christ, through the Holy Spirit; and (4) that on all matters of membership, policy of government, benevolence, the will of the local church is final.

The Ordinances

We believe that Christ gave only two ordinances to the Church to be observed until He comes: (1) The Lord’s supper was left us as an ordinance by the Lord Himself for a memorial of His death until He comes and should not be taken unadvisedly, but with the examination of one’s life, and (2) we practice believer’s baptism because of the example of our Lord Jesus while he was here on earth and because of the command given by Him to be baptized. We accept as scriptural baptism by immersion only.

The Future

We believe (1) the personal premillennial, second advent of Jesus to earth. We believe (2) the pretribulation rapture of all born again believers.



We believe it is our duty to call the attention of all believers to the scriptural teaching of separation and that we should abstain from worldly practices and live a life devoted to the Lord.



Because all men everywhere without Christ are lost and bound for the eternal punishment, and because men cannot believe in Him of whom they have not heard, we believe that we are debtors to all men and have the responsibility of giving them the Gospel. Jesus left us the command that we should be witnesses for Him and should take the good news of the Gospel to every place where men are to be found. We believe that to carry out this command, we must ourselves be witnesses by life and word to tell all lost men about Christ, and we must support by prayer and financial aid those who go out to represent us in other parts of the world.

The Gospel

The Gospel is the sum total message of the Bible, the good news of salvation for all people. It can be best understood in four main sections.

Accountability To God

God is the creator of all things. He alone has done this. There is none above him nor beside him. He is sovereign in his rule and power, and matchless in it as well. Because of the fact that he has created all things, he has the right to demand all of his creation to submit to him and obey him. Human beings, being part of what God has created, are therefore subject to this demand as well. We are held to account to God, by God, for submitting to him and obeying him.

Rebellion Against God

When God created all things, he made them perfect. This includes humanity. However, the first humans, Adam and Eve, sinned against God. They did not obey God. This sin against God constituted rebellion against God. The Bible teaches us that this nature to sin is passed down to all human beings for all time. In this sense, we are all naturally rebels against God. Combining this fact with the reality that God holds us to account paints a pretty grave picture and is, in fact, no good news at all.

Redemption By God

But God. God himself provides a way for bringing wayward sinners back into his fellowship. He has done this through taking on flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus, though tempted lived a sinless life and died a brutal death. The Bible teaches that during this death Jesus demonstrated victory over the sin by nailing it to the cross. Subsequent to his death, he was buried in a borrowed grave and three days later he rose from the grave. His resurrection, in actual, real, bodily form proves not only his power to save those who believe but also his power over sin, death, hell, and the grave. This is wonderful news in light of our sinfulness.

Response to God

This wonderful news only does so much good to the one who hears it. The Bible teaches that the good news of the gospel shines into the hearts of those in darkness. When this happens, God's call to all people is to repent and believe the gospel. In short, there is some responsibility on the part of every person to take possession of the salvation that God gives according to his mercy. To be saved, you must repent of your sinfulness. This does not mean you become sinless, but it does mean that you are now at war with your sin and that you no longer welcome it or live at peace with it in your life. You must also believe the gospel. This means you become totally convinced that Jesus Christ as risen Lord will save you from your sin. Belief is undergirded by the conviction that what the Bible speaks is true and the promises of God are true.

For a more detailed explanation of the gospel, read our pastor's Doctrine, Philosophy, and Practice of Ministry.

Church Membership

What Does It Mean To Be A Member?

In American Christianity, we have become convinced that church membership has been devalued. Generally, churches seek to acquire new members and add them to their rolls, but have neglected to fulfill the responsibility to disciple them. We believe that church membership involves so much more than attendance. We have a church member covenant that each member is required to affirm, and we seek to fulfill our covenant responsibility to one another by:

We strongly urge believers to gather together in person for fellowship. Formally, this takes place at our worship gatherings on Sundays and Wednesdays. Informally, this takes place outside of church worship gatherings through one on one discipleship and small group type meetings. We reject the idea that true believers can obediently practice biblical fellowship while avoiding these gatherings.

We fulfill our covenant responsibility to pray for one another, authentically. The Bible commands us to pray for one another, so we exhort one another to do so. We make it a matter of importance to pray intentionally for needs that have been made known, and we encourage the practice of letting our specific needs be known to one another so that we can pray.

The Bible teaches that we are to be a people of encouragement. Therefore, we seek to build one another up in the faith, as opposed to tearing one another down. We speak words of encouragement and we offer our help in bearing the burdens that each member faces so that, as a whole, the kingdom of God is built up.

Yet we also hold one another accountable for sin. We do not flaunt the sins of others, but we do follow the practice of church discipline as instructed by Jesus in Matthew 18. We seek to identify sin in our own lives and rid it from us, and when we observe sinful patterns or deeds in others we quietly draw their attention to it. The goal of this practice of discipline is always reconciliation with God and with others.

How Do I Join As A Member?

Faith Baptist Church has a process for this, and know that we would love to have you as a member! You can know first that we will hold you to the responsibilities listed above. Furthermore, given that membership is covenantal at Faith Baptist Church, we will enter into that covenant relationship with you as well. This means that, while we would hold you to the standards of fellowship, prayer, building up of others, and holding others accountable, we will also hold ourselves to these standards toward you as well.

Pastor Adam Stanfield

Born and raised in Natchitoches, Brother Adam has a love for Louisiana. He and his wife, Anna, have been happily married since 2008 and have two children. They are now proud to call Winnfield home. 

His desire is to see Faith Baptist Church living out the gospel in Winnfield and to see Winnfield changed for the better because of it. He has a passion for helping churches to be healthy and for training up pastors out of the local church. He also has a passion for helping men know how to love and lead in their homes, in the church, and in their workplaces. He enjoys spending time with his family, learning new things, reading, and the occasional deer hunt.

Fun Facts from Brother Adam

Favorite pastor: "My favorite pastor is probably Charles Spurgeon. His ministry modeled what it meant to be real, have true joy, and to practice total dependence on the work of God not only in his own life, but in the life of his church. His ministry and life are a great encouragement for me."

Favorite book: "One written by my favorite pastor: Lectures to My Students, by Spurgeon. This book has been a great encouragement to me, especially in regard to my own personal devotion."

Favorite meal: "That's a hard one. It changes from day to day, so today I will say my wife's homemade chicken and dumplings. Or her baked chicken. Or her pancakes. Those are the best. Okay, so I can't pick. Anything my wife makes is my favorite meal!"

Favorite dessert: "My wife's Italian Cream Cake! Yum!"

Favorite hobby: "I like to tinker. Fixing small things here and there gives me great enjoyment."

For information about Brother Adam's personal beliefs regarding ministry, read his Doctrine, Philosophy, and Practice of Ministry.